Privacy and Cookies Policy

Privacy and Cookies Policy

This Privacy and Cookies Policy (“Policy”) regulates the processing of personal data of users (hereinafter referred to as “User” or “Users”) collected, as part of the use of the Génios Aclamados Lda. website (hereinafter referred to by the social name of the respective “Experiência Ah Amália” project), reflecting institutional concerns regarding privacy and processing of personal data in these contexts.

The provision of personal data in the context of browsing the websites implies knowledge and express acceptance of the conditions contained in this Policy.

Responsible for processing users’ personal data

Experience Ah Amália is the entity responsible for processing the personal data of Users, being able to process such data directly and/or through subcontracted entities for this purpose.

Collection and processing of personal data

Accessing and browsing websites in general does not necessarily imply the provision of personal data. Any User can (i) freely browse the websites and view the available content, and can even purchase tickets without needing to register.

Communication of personal data

  1. Experience Ah Amália may transmit your data to partner entities and subcontracted entities for the purposes referred to above, under the terms of the contracts signed with them in accordance with applicable legislation.
  2. The processing of data by Experience Ah Amália and the service providers mentioned above may involve the transfer of personal data to third countries (that do not belong to the European Economic Area). In these cases, Experience Ah Amália guarantees appropriate technical and organizational measures for the security and protection of personal data and access to copies thereof, informing data subjects of the locations and entities to which they were transferred.
  3. Experience Ah Amália may also, in order to comply with legal obligations, complete operations carried out through the website, or based on the consent you provide for this purpose, communicate your data to third parties, whether these are (i) other entities within the group, (ii) partners, sponsors or other entities with which the Ah Amália Experience establishes comparable relationships, (iii) financial/payment institutions; (iv) competent entities, in accordance with the law.

Storage of personal data

  1. When processing is carried out based on your consent, the data will be kept for this purpose until you withdraw it.
  2. Other personal data collected through the websites will be kept for the period of time necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected, in accordance with this Policy.


  1. In order to provide a more personalized service to the satisfaction of Users, which meets their expectations, the Ah Amália Experience uses its own and third-party cookies to collect and store information.
  2. A cookie is a text file that is automatically stored in users’ internet browsers when they access certain websites. The cookie allows the Ah Amália Experience and third parties to identify the internet browser (web browser) on the server, enabling the storage of information, in order to improve the users’ experience, as well as analyze and review the website’s performance.
  3. Cookies can be classified as session cookies or persistent cookies. Session cookies expire automatically when you close your internet browser. Persistent cookies remain in your internet browser until their expiration date or until they are deleted. Expiration dates vary by cookie, with some expiring after a few minutes, while others only after several years.
  4. The cookies and other immediate tracking technologies do not collect personal data about you, except in cases where you voluntarily provide this type of information, by registering on the website or sending communications, these technologies can be used to obtain more information regarding your use of the website..
  5. Each User corresponds to an individual cookie, thus guaranteeing data privacy and security. The presentation of statistical data is done in an aggregated and not individual way, not allowing identification of the User. In this way, it is possible to evaluate the website’s performance, from a perspective of constant updating and improvement, in order to meet the User’s tastes and needs.
  6. Additionally, Internet browsers (web browsers) allow users to manage their cookies. They can set their devices to accept all cookies, know when a cookie is terminated or never receive cookies. You can disable the cookie function at any time through your web browser, normally in the “Preferences” or “Tools” menu. For more details about the configuration in your browser, see its “Help” menu.
  7. We draw your attention to the fact that, by completely disabling cookies, some/all website functionalities may no longer be available.


  1. The Ah Amália Experience guarantees privacy and security in the transmission of User data using encryption with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) of all information exchanged with the Ah Amália Experience, via the internet.
  2. Additionally, Experience Ah Amália states, for this purpose, that it has and will maintain in operation all the technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and misappropriation of personal data provided or transmitted. In any case, please note that, by circulating data on an open internet network, it is not possible to completely eliminate the risk of unauthorized access and use, so the User must implement appropriate security measures when browsing websites.
  3. Whenever payments are made through website servers, the information sent will be encrypted and additional security measures will be employed, appropriate to the state of the art and good market practice.

User Rights

  1. In accordance with applicable legislation, the User may request, at any time, access to personal data concerning them, as well as their rectification, deletion or limitation of their processing, the portability of their data, or object to their processing.
  2. The User may also obtain confirmation that the personal data concerning him or her are being processed, as well as access to them. If you request, a copy of the data being processed may be made available to you.
  3. In accordance with the law, the User also has the right to withdraw their consent at any time regarding the processing of their data based on their consent, without prejudice to the validity of the processing carried out until that date, based on the previously given consent.
  4. The User also has, under the terms of the law, the right to request the limitation of processing or portability of their data, subject to the legally applicable conditions.
  5. The rights of Users referred to in the points above may be exercised through the contact methods provided in point 9.


Without prejudice to any other means of administrative or judicial recourse, the User has the right to submit a complaint to the National Data Protection Commission or to another competent supervisory authority under the law, if they understand that the processing of their data by Experience Ah Amália violates the legal regime in force at any given time.


If you have any questions related to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of the rights granted to you by applicable legislation and, in particular, referred to in this Policy, you can ask them through the following contacts:

Address: Praça David Leandro da Silva 15 e 16, 1950-064 Marvila Lisboa

Changes to the Personal Data Processing Terms

Experience Ah Amália may change this Policy at any time. These changes will be duly publicized through the Website pages.