Terms of Use

Terms of Use

This website was created, owned and operated by Génios Aclamados, Lda. , with headquarters at Estrada da Giesteira N1 – Arruda dos Vinhos, legal entity number 517783428, (hereinafter referred to by the corporate name of the respective project “Experiência Ah Amália”), its use is governed by these Terms of Use.

Acceptance of Terms of Use

The website user (“User”) acknowledges that by using this website they are accepting these Terms of Use.

Amendment of Terms of Use

Experience Ah Amália reserves the right, at any time, without the need for prior notice and with immediate effect, to change, add, update or eliminate, partially or completely, these Terms of Use.

The User must periodically consult these Terms of Use to confirm whether any updates or changes have been made. If you do not agree with any of the rules of use, you should not use the website.

Access to the Website

Access to the website is not subject to registration. Experience Ah Amália has the exclusive right to, at any time, suspend, partially or totally, access to the website, especially (but not exclusively) during management, maintenance, repair, alteration or modernization operations. The Ah Amália Experience may also choose to close, definitively or temporarily, partially or completely, at any time, the website or any of the services, without prior notice.

Use of the Website

Use of the website is subject to compliance with the following rules:

  1. Do not use the website to send or make available any content that is illegal, false, misleading, threatening, malicious, abusive, defamatory, libelous, invasive of privacy, racially, ethically or morally reprehensible, harmful or offensive to the dignity of people or harmful to minors, or even that may negatively affect the image of the Ah Amália Experience.
  2. Do not use the website to send or make available information or content that belongs to third parties and that you do not have the right to use, such as, for example, content protected by third party copyright or content containing third party personal data;
  3. Do not use the website to make available or transmit any type of material that contains or may contain viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses or other items or computer codes, files or programs that are likely to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any equipment or computer system (hardware or software) or communications equipment;
  4. Do not utilize or exploit the website, including its contents, materials, functionalities or resources, for commercial or paid purposes in any way (any content made available may only be accessed for personal use).
  5. Do not remove any copyright, trademark or proprietary rights notices;
  6. Do not impersonate someone or any entity including, but not limited to, a person responsible for the Ah Amália Exhibition, do not guide or receive someone as if they were a host, nor falsely testify to relationships or connections with someone;
  7. Do not make available or transmit any unsolicited or unauthorized content as SPAM;
  8. Do not collect, store, make available, transmit, exploit or reproduce information about other users (including usernames and/or email addresses) for unauthorized purposes.

In general, the User must use the website in a responsible, prudent and careful manner, and must not disrupt or degrade the continuity, integrity and quality of its resources and functionalities. The User acknowledges that their use of the website is at their own risk, being solely responsible for any damage caused to their system and/or computer equipment or for other damages, including loss or damage to data, that result from use of materials, content or information obtained, in any way, through the website.

Additionally, the User acknowledges that, if they provide their data (identification, contact and bank details in connection with the completion of payment transactions associated with the Ah Amália Experience Ticket Office and Online Store), Ah Amália Experience will use its best efforts to guarantee the security of information, but will not be responsible for the processing of such information by third parties (including entities providing payment services and financial transactions), nor is it possible to eliminate the risks inherent in browsing data on an open network.

Ticket office

The Ah Amália Experience allows you to purchase tickets online for the exhibition (and all applicable discounts) or any other specific event that is designed, organized and publicized by them.

The purchase of tickets online is not subject to prior registration by the User on the website, however, it is necessary that the User has a valid and active email address to complete the purchase transaction.

It will be up to the User to make responsible and appropriate use of the Ah Amália Exhibition’s online ticket office, namely by only providing payment data that concerns themselves, or with the express consent of the respective holder and must ensure that their data banking and payment are correct.

The User must follow the following steps to complete the ticket purchase and collection process through the online ticket office:

  1. Selection of data relevant to the purchase (identification of date, time and number of tickets);
  2. Identification of the requested identification and contact data, as well as data necessary for issuing an invoice – the information marked with an asterisk (*) is mandatory and essential to the completion of the transaction;
  3. After steps (i) and (ii), the User will be redirected to a page of the entity responsible for processing the payment transaction, and the procedures must be followed and the requested data made available;
  4. The purchase is considered completed and validated only after the User receives an email. This email will include the relevant information associated with the purchase, namely: purchase reference, invoice and ticket(s) in PDF format (sent as an attachment to the email).

If tickets were purchased at a discount, it is mandatory to present supporting/qualifying documents for the discount in question upon entry to the exhibition.

In the context of using the online ticket office, security measures are employed when transmitting potentially sensitive information, such as credit card identification data, which is protected through the use of secure certificates.

The secure certificate uses the public key/private key system, in which the public key is used by the client to encrypt the information and the private key, only known by the server, is used to “decrypt” the information. Installing the certificate automatically activates the use of SSL (Secure Socket Layer), creating a secure communication channel between the server and the client’s browser.

Once activated by the certificate, SSL provides the following secure communication components:

  1. Authentication – The User can verify that the website being consulted does not belong to a third party.
  2. Privacy – The information exchanged between the User’s browser and the server is encrypted using a key (a unique key being issued per session). The server sends the session key to the User, encrypted with the public key. These levels of protection ensure that information cannot be viewed if it is intercepted by unauthorized third parties.
  3. Integrity – Taking into account the content of the message, a security code is generated. The device that receives the message also receives the respective code, which is used to validate whether the message content has been changed. If a single character in the message has been changed, the message generates a different security code.

Users will be able to clarify any doubts regarding the terms of operation of the online ticket office, as well as communicate any suggestions or complaints via email geral@ah-amalia.pt.

Intellectual Property Rights

The User acknowledges that the website, its structure and layout, the selection, organization and presentation of its content, including its functionalities and the software used therein, as well as the brands, logos and symbols presented on the website, are the property of Experience Ah Amália or were duly licensed in favor of this.

The User further acknowledges that the contents of this website (texts, images, graphics, brands, sound and animation and all other information and elements on the website) are protected by intellectual property rights and their use is limited to the terms permitted by law and identifying its origin.

It is the responsibility of the Ah Amália Experience to manage the design, , layout and arrangement of all information, content and materials on the website.Furthermore, the Ah Amália Experience may, at any time, update, modify or eliminate any content, services, options or features, as well as modify their presentation and configuration and change their URLs.

The User is not authorized to transmit, communicate to the public, publish, make available to the public, modify, transform, copy, sell, use or distribute, in any way, the texts, images or other information contained on this website or part of the website without prior written authorization from Ah Amália Exhibition.

The User may access and use the content and materials made available through this website for non-commercial purposes, by clearly identifying the respective source (and link to it). Any changes to the material must be clearly identified and it cannot be stated or in any way inferred that the use of the materials was authorized and/or supported at their origin. The distribution of derived materials is prohibited. The User may not apply, to third parties who access the materials, restrictions on their use by such third parties, in addition to those imposed on the User by these terms.

Personal data

The use of this website does not necessarily imply the provision of personal data. However, if you wish to request contact and clarification, submit a complaint, comments or suggestions or if you provide your consent to the processing of data for marketing purposes, you must provide us with some personal data. This data will be treated under the terms defined in the Privacy Policy, available on this website.


The information made available on the Ah Amália Experience website essentially aims to clarify and inform Users about aspects relating to its activity, as well as the products and services it makes available to the public.

Liability and guarantees

The website was developed with the interests of our different types of Users in mind. However, we cannot guarantee that the website or any functionality available on it will meet any needs and expectations you have or that it will serve your specific purposes.

The Ah Amália Experience also does not guarantee that:

  1. The results obtained through the use of the website are correct, true, appropriate or reliable;
  2. Any information or suggestion, of any kind, under the responsibility of Experiencia Ah Amália, presented or made available on the website, or obtained through its use, whether current, accurate, complete or free from errors – Experience Ah Amália does not assume any duty legal in this matter;
  3. Any material or other type of content made available by third parties through the website is safe, legal or appropriate;
  4. The qualities, functionalities or characteristics of the products, services, information or other materials or content published on the website meet any user expectations.

Experience Ah Amália will not be responsible for errors that may occur due to system irregularities, failure (temporary or permanent) of the website, applications or other tools. The Ah Amália Exhibition will not be responsible for any damages resulting from improper use or the impossibility of using the website.

Links to third party websites

The Ah Amália Exhibition may provide links to pages from other entities. These websites do not belong to, are not operated or controlled by Experience Ah Amália, and therefore are not responsible, approve or in any way support or subscribe to the content of these websites, nor of the websites linked to or referred to in them. The establishment of links does not imply, under any circumstances, the existence of relationships between the Ah Amália Experience and the owner or manager of the web page to which the link refers.

In view of the foregoing, Experience Ah Amália is not responsible for the legality, reliability or quality of any content available there, nor for compliance with the legal rules applicable in relation to the content available there, and the use of these links is the sole responsibility of the Users.


Experience Ah Amália does not guarantee that the website will function uninterruptedly, be free of errors or failures or that it will be available continuously.

The Ah Amália Experience naturally makes its best efforts to ensure that the website does not contain any type of virus or other elements of the kind that are dangerous to your computer or other device from which you access the website. However, as it cannot fully control the circulation of information over the Internet, it is not possible to guarantee that they do not contain any type of virus or other elements that could damage your computer.

To ensure the security of the website, Experience Ah Amália may, at any time and without the need for prior notice, take the necessary measures to guarantee the integrity, security, continuity or quality of the website, including access restrictions or limitations.

Validity of Terms and Conditions of Use

If any part or provision of these Terms of Use is unenforceable or in conflict with applicable law, the validity of the remaining parts or provisions will not be affected.


If you have any questions about these Terms of Use, please send us your request for clarification via email geral@ah-amalia.pt

Applicable law

Portuguese law applies to the management, administration, use and application of the Terms of Use of the website.